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Available Models

Model Name Description Input Price Output Price Use Cases
Llama3-70b Llama 3 is an auto-regressive language model that uses an optimized transformer architecture. $0.80/1M Tokens $1.60/1M Tokens General natural language processing tasks.
Llava-Internlm2-20b LLaVA model fine-tuned from InternLM2-Chat-20B and CLIP-ViT-Large-patch14-336. Contact for pricing Contact for pricing Enhanced language understanding integrated with visual processing.
Llama-3-Giraffe-70B Abacus.AI presents our longer-necked variant of Llama 3 70B! $1/1M Tokens $2/1M Tokens Extensive natural language tasks with a focus on depth and efficiency.
Qwen-vl Qwen VL for real-world multi-modal function calling. $5/1M Tokens $10/1M Tokens Multi-modal interactions and function handling in complex environments.
XComposer2-4khd-7b One of the highest performing VLMs (Video Language Models). $4/1M Tokens $8/1M Tokens High-resolution video processing and understanding.
Llava-Llama-3 Llama3 with Multi-Modal Processing. $5/1M Tokens $10/1M Tokens Advanced multi-modal scenarios involving language and image processing.
cogvlm-chat-17b Groundbreaking multimodal model designed to understand and reason about visual elements in images. $5/1M Tokens $10/1M Tokens Image-based chatbots and interactive systems.

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