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YamlModel: A Pydantic Model for YAML Data


The YamlModel class, derived from BaseModel in Pydantic, offers a convenient way to work with YAML data in your Python applications. It provides methods for serialization (converting to YAML), deserialization (creating an instance from YAML), and schema generation. This documentation will delve into the functionalities of YamlModel and guide you through its usage with illustrative examples.

Purpose and Functionality

The primary purpose of YamlModel is to streamline the interaction between your Python code and YAML data. It accomplishes this by:

  • Serialization: Transforming a YamlModel instance into a YAML string representation using the to_yaml() method.
  • Deserialization: Constructing a YamlModel instance from a provided YAML string using the from_yaml() class method.
  • JSON to YAML Conversion: Facilitating the conversion of JSON data to YAML format through the json_to_yaml() static method.
  • Saving to YAML File: Enabling the storage of YamlModel instances as YAML files using the save_to_yaml() method.
  • (Future Implementation) Schema Generation: The create_yaml_schema() class method (not yet implemented but included for future reference) will generate a YAML schema that reflects the structure of the YamlModel class and its fields.

Class Definition and Arguments

The YamlModel class inherits from Pydantic's BaseModel class. You can define your custom YAML models by creating subclasses of YamlModel and specifying your data fields within the class definition. Here's the breakdown of the YamlModel class and its methods:

class YamlModel(BaseModel):
    A Pydantic model class for working with YAML data.

    def to_yaml(self):
        Serialize the Pydantic model instance to a YAML string.
        return yaml.safe_dump(self.dict(), sort_keys=False)

    def from_yaml(cls, yaml_str: str):
        Create an instance of the class from a YAML string.

            yaml_str (str): The YAML string to parse.

            cls: An instance of the class with attributes populated from the YAML data.
                 Returns None if there was an error loading the YAML data.
        # ...

    def json_to_yaml(json_str: str):
        Convert a JSON string to a YAML string.
        # ...

    def save_to_yaml(self, filename: str):
        Save the Pydantic model instance as a YAML file.
        # ...

    # TODO: Implement a method to create a YAML schema from the model fields
    # @classmethod
    # def create_yaml_schema(cls):
    #     # ...


  • self (implicit): Refers to the current instance of the YamlModel class.
  • yaml_str (str): The YAML string used for deserialization in the from_yaml() method.
  • json_str (str): The JSON string used for conversion to YAML in the json_to_yaml() method.
  • filename (str): The filename (including path) for saving the YAML model instance in the save_to_yaml() method.

Detailed Method Descriptions

1. to_yaml()

This method transforms an instance of the YamlModel class into a YAML string representation. It utilizes the yaml.safe_dump() function from the PyYAML library to ensure secure YAML data generation. The sort_keys=False argument guarantees that the order of keys in the resulting YAML string remains consistent with the order of fields defined in your YamlModel subclass.


class User(YamlModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    is_active: bool

user = User(name="Bob", age=30, is_active=True)
yaml_string = user.to_yaml()

This code will output a YAML string representation of the user object, resembling:

name: Bob
age: 30
is_active: true

Detailed Method Descriptions

2. from_yaml(cls, yaml_str) (Class Method)

The from_yaml() class method is responsible for constructing a YamlModel instance from a provided YAML string.

  • Arguments:

    • cls (class): The class representing the desired YAML model (the subclass of YamlModel that matches the structure of the YAML data).
    • yaml_str (str): The YAML string containing the data to be parsed and used for creating the model instance.
  • Returns:

    • cls (instance): An instance of the specified class (cls) populated with the data extracted from the YAML string. If an error occurs during parsing, it returns None.
  • Error Handling:

The from_yaml() method employs yaml.safe_load() for secure YAML parsing. It incorporates a try-except block to handle potential ValueError exceptions that might arise during the parsing process. If an error is encountered, it logs the error message and returns None.


class User(YamlModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    is_active: bool

yaml_string = """
name: Alice
age: 25
is_active: false

user = User.from_yaml(yaml_string)
print(  # Output: Alice

3. json_to_yaml(json_str) (Static Method)

This static method in the YamlModel class serves the purpose of converting a JSON string into a YAML string representation.

  • Arguments:

    • json_str (str): The JSON string that needs to be converted to YAML format.
  • Returns:

    • str: The converted YAML string representation of the provided JSON data.
  • Functionality:

The json_to_yaml() method leverages the json.loads() function to parse the JSON string into a Python dictionary. Subsequently, it utilizes yaml.dump() to generate the corresponding YAML string representation from the parsed dictionary.


json_string = '{"name": "Charlie", "age": 42, "is_active": true}'
yaml_string = YamlModel.json_to_yaml(json_string)

This code snippet will convert the JSON data to a YAML string, likely resembling:

name: Charlie
age: 42
is_active: true

4. save_to_yaml(self, filename)

The save_to_yaml() method facilitates the storage of a YamlModel instance as a YAML file.

  • Arguments:

    • self (implicit): Refers to the current instance of the YamlModel class that you intend to save.
    • filename (str): The desired filename (including path) for the YAML file.
  • Functionality:

The save_to_yaml() method employs the previously explained to_yaml() method to generate a YAML string representation of the self instance. It then opens the specified file in write mode ("w") and writes the YAML string content to the file.


class Employee(YamlModel):
    name: str
    department: str
    salary: float

employee = Employee(name="David", department="Engineering", salary=95000.00)

This code will create a YAML file named "employee.yaml" containing the serialized representation of the employee object.

More Usage Examples ++

class User(YamlModel):
    name: str
    age: int
    is_active: bool

# Create an instance of the User model
user = User(name="Alice", age=30, is_active=True)

# Serialize the User instance to YAML and print it
yaml_string = user.to_yaml()

This code snippet demonstrates the creation of a User instance and its subsequent serialization to a YAML string using the to_yaml() method. The printed output will likely resemble:

name: Alice
age: 30
is_active: true

Converting JSON to YAML

# Convert JSON string to YAML and print
json_string = '{"name": "Bob", "age": 25, "is_active": false}'
yaml_string = YamlModel.json_to_yaml(json_string)

This example showcases the conversion of a JSON string containing user data into a YAML string representation using the json_to_yaml() static method. The resulting YAML string might look like:

name: Bob
age: 25
is_active: false

Saving User Instance to YAML File

# Save the User instance to a YAML file

This code demonstrates the utilization of the save_to_yaml() method to store the user instance as a YAML file named "user.yaml". The contents of the file will mirror the serialized YAML string representation of the user object.

Additional Considerations

  • Ensure you have the PyYAML library installed (pip install pyyaml) to leverage the YAML parsing and serialization functionalities within YamlModel.
  • Remember that the create_yaml_schema() method is not yet implemented but serves as a placeholder for future enhancements.
  • For complex data structures within your YAML models, consider leveraging Pydantic's data validation and nested model capabilities for robust data management.


The YamlModel class in Pydantic offers a streamlined approach to working with YAML data in your Python projects. By employing the provided methods (to_yaml(), from_yaml(), json_to_yaml(), and save_to_yaml()), you can efficiently convert between Python objects and YAML representations, facilitating data persistence and exchange. This comprehensive documentation empowers you to effectively utilize YamlModel for your YAML data processing requirements.