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Module/Function Name: RecursiveWorkflow

class RecursiveWorkflow(BaseStructure):

Creates a recursive workflow structure for executing a task until a stated stopping condition is reached.


  • task (Task): The task to execute.
  • stop_token (Any): The token that signals the termination of the workflow.


from swarms.models import OpenAIChat
from swarms.structs import RecursiveWorkflow, Task

llm = OpenAIChat(openai_api_key="YourKey")
task = Task(llm, "What's the weather in miami")
workflow = RecursiveWorkflow(stop_token="<DONE>")

In summary, the RecursiveWorkflow class is designed to automate tasks by adding and executing these tasks recursively until a stopping condition is reached. This can be achieved by utilizing the add and run methods provided. A general format for adding and utilizing the RecursiveWorkflow class has been provided under the "Examples" section. If you require any further information, view other sections, like Args and Source Code for specifics on using the class effectively.