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Module/Class Name: StepInput

The StepInput class is used to define the input parameters for the task step. It is a part of the BaseModel and accepts any value. This documentation will provide an overview of the class, its functionality, and usage examples.

Overview and Introduction

The StepInput class is an integral part of the swarms.structs library, allowing users to define and pass input parameters for a specific task step. This class provides flexibility by accepting any value, allowing the user to customize the input parameters according to their requirements.

Class Definition

The StepInput class is defined as follows:

class StepInput(BaseModel):
    __root__: Any = Field(
        description=("Input parameters for the task step. Any value is" " allowed."),
        example='{\n"file_to_refactor": ""\n}',

The StepInput class extends the BaseModel and contains a single field __root__ of type Any with a description of accepting input parameters for the task step.

Functionality and Usage

The StepInput class is designed to accept any input value, providing flexibility and customization for task-specific parameters. Upon creating an instance of StepInput, the user can define and pass input parameters as per their requirements.

Usage Example 1:

from swarms.structs import StepInput

input_params = {"file_to_refactor": "", "refactor_method": "code"}
step_input = StepInput(__root__=input_params)

In this example, we import the StepInput class from the swarms.structs library and create an instance step_input by passing a dictionary of input parameters. The StepInput class allows any value to be passed, providing flexibility for customization.

Usage Example 2:

from swarms.structs import StepInput

input_params = {"input_path": "data.csv", "output_path": "result.csv"}
step_input = StepInput(__root__=input_params)

In this example, we again create an instance of StepInput by passing a dictionary of input parameters. The StepInput class does not restrict the type of input, allowing users to define parameters based on their specific task requirements.

Usage Example 3:

from swarms.structs import StepInput

file_path = "config.json"
with open(file_path) as f:
    input_data = json.load(f)

step_input = StepInput(__root__=input_data)

In this example, we read input parameters from a JSON file and create an instance of StepInput by passing the loaded JSON data. The StepInput class seamlessly accepts input data from various sources, providing versatility to the user.

Additional Information and Tips

When using the StepInput class, ensure that the input parameters are well-defined and align with the requirements of the task step. When passing complex data structures, such as nested dictionaries or JSON objects, ensure that the structure is valid and well-formed.

References and Resources

  • For further information on the BaseModel and Field classes, refer to the Pydantic documentation: Pydantic Documentation

The StepInput class within the swarms.structs library is a versatile and essential component for defining task-specific input parameters. Its flexibility in accepting any value and seamless integration with diverse data sources make it a valuable asset for customizing input parameters for task steps.