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The swarms.structs library is a key component of a multi-agent system's task management infrastructure. It provides the necessary classes and methods to create and manage queues of tasks that can be distributed among a swarm of agents. The purpose of this documentation is to guide users through the proper use of the TaskQueueBase class, which serves as an abstract base class for implementing task queues.

TaskQueueBase Class

import threading
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

# Include any additional imports that are relevant to decorators and other classes such as Task and Agent if needed

# Definition of the synchronized_queue decorator (if necessary)

class TaskQueueBase(ABC):
    def __init__(self):
        self.lock = threading.Lock()

    def add_task(self, task: Task) -> bool:

    def get_task(self, agent: Agent) -> Task:

    def complete_task(self, task_id: str):

    def reset_task(self, task_id: str):

Architecture and Purpose

The TaskQueueBase class provides an abstract interface for task queue implementations. This class uses the threading.Lock to ensure mutual exclusion, making it suitable for concurrent environments. The @synchronized_queue decorator implies that each method should be synchronized to prevent race conditions.

Tasks are generally represented by the Task class, and agents by the Agent class. Implementations of the TaskQueueBase will provide the logic to store tasks, distribute them to agents, and manage their lifecycles.

Methods and Their Arguments

Here's an overview of each method and its arguments:

Method Arguments Return Type Description
add_task task (Task) bool Adds a task to the queue and returns True if successfully added, False otherwise.
get_task agent (Agent) Task Retrieves the next task for the given agent.
complete_task task_id (str) None Marks the task identified by task_id as completed.
reset_task task_id (str) None Resets the task identified by task_id, typically done if an agent fails to complete the task.

Example Usage

Below are three examples of how the TaskQueueBase class can be implemented and used.

Note: The actual code for decorators, Task, Agent, and concrete implementations of TaskQueueBase is not provided and should be created as per specific requirements.

Example 1: Basic Implementation

# file:

# Assume synchronized_queue decorator is defined elsewhere
from decorators import synchronized_queue

from swarms.structs import Agent, Task, TaskQueueBase

class BasicTaskQueue(TaskQueueBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.tasks = []

    def add_task(self, task: Task) -> bool:
        return True

    def get_task(self, agent: Agent) -> Task:
        return self.tasks.pop(0)

    def complete_task(self, task_id: str):
        # Logic to mark task as completed

    def reset_task(self, task_id: str):
        # Logic to reset the task

# Usage
queue = BasicTaskQueue()
# Add task, assuming Task object is created
# Get task for an agent, assuming Agent object is created
task = queue.get_task(someAgent)

Example 2: Priority Queue Implementation

# file:
# Similar to example 1, but tasks are managed based on priority within add_task and get_task methods

Example 3: Persistent Queue Implementation

# file:
# An example demonstrating tasks being saved to a database or filesystem. Methods would include logic for persistence.

Additional Information and Common Issues

This section would provide insights on thread safety, error handling, and best practices in working with task queues in a multi-agent system.


Links to further resources and any academic papers or external documentation related to task queues and multi-agent systems would be included here.